MailScanner --lint error

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Tue Aug 7 19:00:28 IST 2007

On 07/08/07, Jody Cleveland <cleveland at> wrote:
> On 8/7/07 11:42 AM, "Julian Field" <MailScanner at> wrote:
> >>>> SpamAssassin reported no errors.
> >>>> MailScanner.conf says "Virus Scanners = f-prot clamd"
> >>>> Found these virus scanners installed: f-prot, clamavmodule
> >>>> ===========================================================================
> >>>> Ignore errors about failing to find EOCD signature
> >>>> format error: can't find EOCD signature
> >>>>  at /usr/sbin/MailScanner line 451
> >>>> ===========================================================================
> >>>> Virus Scanner test reports:
> >>>> F-Prot said "./1/  Infection: EICAR_Test_File"
> >>>>
> >>> So your clamd setup isn't working. Either work your way through that,
> >>> or switch to clamavmodule, which it seems to find OK...
> >>>
> >>
> >> Isn't clamavmodule the slow one? I had switched to clamd because of clam
> >> using 100% of the processor.
> >>
> > No its clamav (ie. using clamscan command) that is the slow one. The
> > clamavmodule works fine.
> Ok, I changed it to clamavmodule, and now --lint gives me this error:
> None of the files matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns
> exist! at /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/ line 527
> - jody
There is a section in MailScanner.conf for this.... Mainly what you
need change is the monitor line so that it:
a) Mathces where you have put your clamav signature databas(es), and
b) match all the possible files comprising your DBs... That means one
item for *,cvd, one item for *.inc/* and one item for *.*db (more or
less...:-). separate the items by space.
This has been covered several times over the last ... oh... 6 months
or so... on this list, so if you need something to cut'n'paste, please
look through the archives (there was a recent ... spat... of
"misconfigurations" revealed by the last major incremental clamavdb
IIRC Jules have enhanced the upgrade script to determine if this is
set, although I think he doesn't really check if they seem sane...
After all, only one of the .cvd or .inc items need be correct:-).

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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