Blackberry - part II

Alex Broens ms-list at
Mon Aug 6 14:04:49 IST 2007

On 8/6/2007 2:49 PM, Glenn Steen wrote:
>>> - In /etc/MailScanner/filetype.whitelist.rules.conf .... basically
>>> just say "allow" to anything. You could make that a one-liner, or copy
>>> the normal filetypes rule file and change all the "deny" to "allow"
>> Using Mailwatch, I have "content.scanning.rules"
>> From:       no
>> FromOrTo:       default        yes
>> do you think it would make make more sense to add
>> From:           *      no
>> to that? (and spare wathcing an extra rule file :-)
> The MailWatch rules can't handle wildcards, so .. nope, that likely won't work.
> One of the reasons I stick to MailScanner rules... Of course, that is
> provided one don't have a need for lots and lots of rules:-).

This is a MailScanner rule

Dangerous Content Scanning = %rules-dir%/content.scanning.rules

and Content Filtering is not managed by MailWatch so It may work, though 
spoofable <sigh>

>>> There is no real way around this idiocy, since you cannot predetermine
>>> exactly which hosts (IP addresses/ranges) they might be sending from,
>>> nor determine exactly which file magics it can happen to match.
>> frustrating - just hard to believe nobody else has come across this
>> before :-)
> Oh, we have... The "BB expert" from Telenor was adamant that we needed
> do some "exceptions" (_very_ non-specific on the details about what to
> expect...). So, since the trials went OK, I didn't do any
> exceptions... until things were going production, and not working out
> that well:-).

hehe - I see quite a lot of crackberry stuff being delivered without 
issues and one or two users have all the problems.

Try to find a pattern .-)


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