Upgrading Minor versions

Res res at ausics.net
Fri Aug 3 23:12:59 IST 2007

On Fri, 3 Aug 2007, Julian Field wrote:

> Please try the attached patch. You will discover it adds the build number in 
> the directory it creates for the new version of MailScanner you're 
> installing.

root at fox:/tmp# ls /opt
MailScanner@  MailScanner-4.62.9/  courier-imap/  newms.txt

root at fox:/tmp# cp -a /opt/MailScanner-4.62.9/ 

root at fox:/tmp# ls /opt
MailScanner@         courier-imap/  working.MailScanner-4.62.9/
MailScanner-4.62.9/  newms.txt

root at fox:/tmp/MailScanner-install-4.62.9# patch -p0 < 
patching file install.tar-fns.sh
root at fox:/tmp/MailScanner-install-4.62.9#

root at fox:/tmp/MailScanner-install-4.62.9# ./install.sh --nomodules --fast


to the new version before starting it.

./install.tar-fns.sh: line 249: cd: /opt/MailScanner-4.62.9-2/bin: No such 
file or directory

I have setup tnef (which decodes Microsoft Outlook Rich Text attachments)
in the /opt/MailScanner/bin directory.


root at fox:/tmp/MailScanner-install-4.62.9# ls /opt
MailScanner@         courier-imap/  working.MailScanner-4.62.9/
MailScanner-4.62.9/  newms.txt



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