Upgrading Minor versions

Res res at ausics.net
Fri Aug 3 02:39:20 IST 2007

Hi Kai,

On Fri, 3 Aug 2007, Kai Schaetzl wrote:

> Eugene MacDougal wrote on Thu, 2 Aug 2007 16:27:50 -0500:
>> Is there some way to make the installer check to see if its about to overwrite files?
> Eugene, it normally doesn't overwrite existing config files, not on major, not on minor
> version changes. Can you provide more details?

Yes, on source versions, its happened to me before, thankfully its 
all under /opt and backed up nightly anyway, even on dummy test machines 

This is why I mentioned a couple of days ago about bringing it into line 
with most other software versioning,  major.minor.beta_number as in 
4.63.b1, 4.63.b2 etc reaching the official release as 4.63 (as only 4.63) 
major. MailScanners installer does not understand at all 4.63.3-5 only 
4.63.3, thereby over-writting. As Julian ignored my comments I dare say he 
has no intention of changing it, as no one else commented, it seems most 
are happy with it, and I also gather after years of observations 95% of 
people here use RPM base OS's so they may not be affected by the 
installers tarball shortfall.



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