CRM114 How are you finding it ?

Matt Hampton matt at
Wed Aug 1 22:31:12 IST 2007

Desai, Jason wrote:
>> Too soon to tell, really.
>> Only been running it for 21 hours so far.

Taking the idea behind Jason's script and switching it to perl

(download from and run it catting your
maillog in to STDIN)

My recent stats (don't know time period)

Total Messages: 1286
        How many times was CRM114 wrong?
                False Negative: 21  (1.63%)
                False Positive: 22  (1.71%)
                  Total Errors: 43  (3.34%)

        How many times did CRM114 cause an error?
                False Negative: 2  (0.15%)
                False Positive: 0  (0%)
                  Total Errors: 2  (0.15%)

This was with NO training and autolearn turned on with default values


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