Help with large message / blacklists bypassed

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Aug 1 18:24:06 IST 2007

Kai Schaetzl spake the following on 8/1/2007 7:16 AM:
> Am.lists wrote on Wed, 1 Aug 2007 09:21:24 -0400:
>> Where to look / what to do next on this?
> No idea. But if you want to help your user, just block that mailserver 
> right-away and *then* figure out a way to stop it with less drastic 
> measures.
> And, did you actually try to reach that mail admin? You may not have luck 
> with that all the time, but sometimes there is someone behind the 
> postmaster, even on misbehaving servers. ;-)
> And it could just be the fault of that sending user, in case it is stuck 
> in his mail client out queue and not on that server.
> Kai
That is usually the case. Outlook (and express) have a size limit on their
local mailstores. The clients send, try to copy to their sent items, fail on
the copy, and send again on the next scheduled run.
And you can't e-mail them to tell them, because they can't get their incoming
mail either because of the same problem.


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