Upgrade to clamav 0.90.2 makes scanning extremely slow
Kapetanakis Giannis
bilias at edu.physics.uoc.gr
Wed Apr 25 12:15:54 IST 2007
On Wed, 25 Apr 2007, Julian Field wrote:
> Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:
>> Loading the database
>> copying the database to /tmp/
>> loading the database from /tmp
>> It does this for every mail it comes in.
> Slight correction: it does it once for every batch.
>> How does clamavmodule handle the db?
>> Clamd only loads the db once.
> clamavmodule loads the db once at startup. It then monitors the
> signature files and instantly reloads the db if the signatures files
> change at all.
>> Giannis
> Jules
I've tried again clamavmodule.
Performance went down again...
I'm talking about load 4-5 continuously.
Each MailScanner batch takes up to 16 seconds to complete.
(clamscan also needed 12 seconds itself for each scan)
CPU at 100% all the time.
I've registered in clamav-users a while ago.
They are also talking about clamav's performance in 0.90.2
There is a patch going around the list but I haven't tried that yet.
So I'm going back to clamd which at least works fine and fast
for me. 1-3 seconds for each MailScanner batch, including
the virus scanning by all scanners. Load 0.5-1.0 aprox.
Clamd also comes with a clamdwatch that watches
if the daemon dies or stops responding for those who
are afraid of that.
ps. I'm not advertising clamd :-)
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