Upgrade to clamav 0.90.2 makes scanning extremely slow

Arto arto.saraniva at artio.net
Thu Apr 19 11:02:54 IST 2007

Jens Ahlin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Upgraded clamav from 0.90.1 to 0.90.2 this morning. Since then scanning
>> takes like forever and the mailqueue grows fast.
>> in 'top' i can see that clamscan hogs the cpu for atleast 30-45 seconds
>> while scanning, even if it's a mail with no attachment:
>> Apr 19 10:36:15 antispam MailScanner[16598]: New Batch: Scanning 1
>> messages, 30520 bytes
>> Apr 19 10:36:15 antispam MailScanner[16598]: Spam Checks: Starting
>> Apr 19 10:36:15 antispam MailScanner[16598]: Expired 10 records from the
>> SpamAssassin cache
>> Apr 19 10:36:20 antispam MailScanner[16598]: Spam Checks completed at
>> 6455 bytes per second
>> Apr 19 10:36:20 antispam MailScanner[16598]: Virus and Content Scanning:
>> Starting
>> Apr 19 10:37:23 antispam MailScanner[16598]: Virus Scanning completed at
>> 483 bytes per second
>> I had no problem with 0.90.1.
>> Anyone seeing the same problem?
>> I'm using Debian Sarge and apt for upgrading
>> Thank you
>> --
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> Hi,
> I see the same thing on 3 servers. I might revert back to 0.90.1... or
> hope that a fix is released soon. I'm using Dag Wieers repository for
> clamav.

We had this too. Uninstalling clamav* and installing it again helped.


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