Clam module broken after main.cvd update

Derek Buttineau derek at
Fri Apr 13 20:30:28 IST 2007

On 2007-Apr-13, at 3:16 PM, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:

> Do this if you want to miss updates. Disabeling the scripted update  
> will turn out you will be missing updates, in time.

Perhaps once they stop providing the cvds.  Currently as far as I'm  
aware they're still maintaining and updating the cvd downloads  
especially for backwards compatibility for older versions.  Setting  
ScriptedUpdates to no will force freshclam to download the cvds  
rather than updating and  It's not the ideal  
setup as it's more expensive in terms of resources, but you should  
still get all your updates until the clamav module / mailscanner is  


Derek Buttineau
Internet Systems Developer
Compu-SOLVE Internet Services
Compu-SOLVE Technologies, Inc

Phone:  705-725-1212 x255
E-Mail:  derek at

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