Help with Loop

Kevin Miller Kevin_Miller at
Thu Sep 21 17:41:03 IST 2006

Walmiro Muzzi wrote:
> Hello there,
> 	I am with problem.
> An email with virus entered in Loop and it does not stop of being
> redispatched.
> Again and again and again...
> What I do???
> Somebody can help me??? Please.

It looks like you have the virus action set to disinfect.  I'd set it to
delete.  Viruses are rarely found on legitimate messages anymore in my
experience.  If changing the prefs in MailScanner.conf and restart
MailScanner doesn't get rid of the message, stop MailScanner and just go
in and delete the message manually...

Kevin Miller                Registered Linux User No: 307357
CBJ MIS Dept.               Network Systems Admin., Mail Admin.
155 South Seward Street     ph: (907) 586-0242
Juneau, Alaska 99801        fax: (907 586-4500

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