FuzzyOcr Unexpected error only with MailScanner

Dominique Marant Dominique.Marant at univ-lille1.fr
Mon Oct 30 13:02:52 GMT 2006

I sent my problem FuzzyOcr in the devel-spam list.
It seems that FuzzyOcr fails because MailScanner truncates emails for 
How to configure MailScanner for the best compromise ?
Perhaps it would be interresting to create a new variable "Max 
SpamAssassin OCR Size" for size of inserted or attached images ?

What do you think of it ?


Dominique Marant wrote:

> > Yes, I'm using MailScanner

Mailscanner truncates emails which exceed a given size specified in
their config. They also truncate inside attachments, leading to "half"
images, which are to be considered as corrupt. jpegtopnm cannot handle
these and will fail. This is not a problem of FuzzyOcr but MailScanner's.

Best regards,


> >
> > regards Dom
> >
> >
> > decoder a écrit :
> >
> > Dominique Marant wrote:
> >
>>>> >>>> I use FuzzyOcr with SA 3.1.7
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> In FuzzyOcr.log, I have a lot of error messages like :
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> [2006-10-30 08:54:30] Unexpected error in pipe to external
>>>> >>>> programs. Please check that all helper programs are installed
>>>> >>>> and in the correct path. (Pipe Command "/usr/bin/jpegtopnm",
>>>> >>>> Pipe
> > exit code
>>>> >>>> 2 (""), Temporary file: "/tmp/.spamassassin18742sUMUDptmp")
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> How to fix this problem ?
>>>> >>>>
> > Are you using third party applications such as mailscanner?
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Chris
> >
> >
>>>> >>>> Regards, Dom
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> ______________

An other reply :
> looks like Mailscanner is the issue (according to decoder's mail). Amavis 
> works perfect, maybe you could consider it.
> rgds,
> Joseph

Dominique Marant a écrit :
> Hello
> I installed FuzzyOcr (debian / MailScanner / Spamassassin)
> It seems to running :
> for example :
> ... is polluriel, SpamAssassin (not cached, score=19.202, requis 7, 
> autolearn=disabled, FUZZY_OCR 14.00, HTML_10_20 0.94, 
> But in FuzzyOcr.log, I see :
> # more FuzzyOcr.log
> [2006-10-24 16:36:42] Unexpected error in pipe to external programs.
>                      Please check that all helper programs are 
> installed and in the correct path.
>                      (Pipe Command "/usr/bin/jpegtopnm", Pipe exit 
> code 2 (""), Temporary file: "/tmp/.spamassassin2537050jAY2tmp")
> [2006-10-24 16:37:47] Unexpected error in pipe to external programs.
>                      Please check that all helper programs are 
> installed and in the correct path.
>                      (Pipe Command "/usr/bin/jpegtopnm", Pipe exit 
> code 2 (""), Temporary file: "/tmp/.spamassassin25926yhpqsstmp")
> [2006-10-24 16:41:32] FuzzyOcr received timeout after running "10" 
> seconds.
> [2006-10-24 16:42:33] Unexpected error in pipe to external programs.
>                      Please check that all helper programs are 
> installed and in the correct path.
>                      (Pipe Command "/usr/bin/jpegtopnm", Pipe exit 
> code 2 (""), Temporary file: "/tmp/.spamassassin28372mzT0dZtmp")
> ...
> Could you help me ?
> Many thanks in advance
> Dominique

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