F-Prot integration into mailscanner

Res res at ausics.net
Mon Oct 30 11:19:06 GMT 2006

On Mon, 30 Oct 2006, Sven De Troch wrote:

>> Oct 29 14:06:50 mailscanner sendmail[22787]: k9TD6n0a022787:
>> SYSERR(root): savemail: cannot save rejected email anywhere

> Apparently this problem occurs as well with the BitDefender antivirus,
> so there must be something wrong with my MailScanner of the security
> on one of the dirs.

do you have the postmaster aliase ?

to make sure its ok run:
    sendmail -v -Am postmaster < /etc/services

> Can anyone assist?
> Thanks!


"Just a world that we all must share, it's not enough just to stand and
stare, is it only a dream that there'll be no more turning away" - Floyd

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