OT: Spamhaus petition rejected - followup from previous discussion

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Tue Oct 24 16:42:21 IST 2006

Michael Masse spake the following on 10/23/2006 5:48 PM:
> http://management.silicon.com/government/0,39024677,39163463,00.htm 
> I'm certainly no lawyer, but how could there even be a hint of a case
> for something like this?    I'm not aware of any email systems that
> force anyone to use Spamhaus, or any spam deterrent software for that
> matter.  I C H O O S E to run MailScanner, SpamAssassin, etc... and if I
> decide to trust that software to detect spam for me, then it's MY
> responsibility if something goes wrong, and in this case it sounds like
> the e360 insight domain is a true spammer anyways, so what grounds could
> they possibly be trying to stand on?
> Mike
In the United States, lawsuits are a strongarm tactic that forces a company to
either pay lawyers and court costs to defend ones self, losing the time and
money no matter what the outcome is, or cave in to the entity suing you to
avoid court.


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