Strange Sendmail Sessions

Stephen Conway sconway at
Thu Oct 12 21:21:26 IST 2006

Hello All:
I have a couple systems with the following:

Intel based systems 1 GB RAM running Slackware Linux
Sendmail 8.13.8
SpamAssassin version 3.1.0
Perl 5.6.1

I have a problem where I am getting a lot of sendmail sessions opening up
similar to below:

0:00 sendmail: k9CJgJRU012733 [] (may be
forged): DATA
0:00 sendmail: k9CJlhwE014949
[]: DATA

A bunch of these keep coming in from various different networks, but they
all stay around and eventually my MAX Daemon Children vaule is reached.  The
question is, can this be a network issue where these sessions are not
completing?  Also, how can I get sendmail to kill these old sessions after X
minutes or something?

Any assistance is appreciated.



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