Large emails being tagged as spam - false positives

Kash, Howard (Civ, ARL/CISD) hmkash at
Mon Oct 2 17:49:55 IST 2006

> And hopefully the new more complex settings of Max SpamAssassin Size 
> that you can use if you want, will help to alleviate the problem. Take
> look at the Change Log.

But there's still no way to say "I don't think there will ever be a spam
over 100k, so don't bother sending any messages over 100k to SA since
they could potentially be blocked as false positives."  The message the
original poster on this topic complained about was blocked based mostly
on header checks - changing the amount of the body that was sent to SA
wouldn't have made any difference.  The only way to have avoided this
false positive would be an option to not send messages over a certain
size to SA.  I still advocate a "Max SpamAssassin Size = ### skip"
option so that any messages over ### bytes bypasses the SA checks.  Some
people may not agree with this, but it should be an option the user has
at their disposal.


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