Due to incresing spam and deleations issues....

Rob Morin rob at dido.ca
Mon Nov 20 14:16:01 GMT 2006

... i would like to implement a PER user/mailbox rulset....

on the weekend i had a buddy mention that there is a way to incorporate 
squirrllmaill and MS with SA that uses MySQL to allow users to alter 
their own spam filters, rather than US (sys admins) doing special 
whitelists for each user, as more and more spam comes in more regular 
mail gets marked as spam and or gets deleted.... its becoming too much 
to manage now... if the clients can manage some stuff on their own, it 
would help with out regular duties rather than spend hours each day 
adjusting the rules and scores.....

Especially those damm gif messages... so my 2 questions are....

1) Has anyone actually done this per user rule set via mysql?
2) How is the success ratio with the gif plugin for MS to help with 
those darn gif messages?

Thanks to all , and to all a good day!


Rob Morin
Dido InterNet Inc.
Montreal, Canada

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