Mailscanner not catching SPAM but manual run via SA catches it

René Berber r.berber at
Mon Nov 13 22:13:58 GMT 2006

Dan Carl wrote:
> I have no RBL listed in my MS conf. because I thought if it was set to use
> SA it would use SA's RBL.

It does, but the configuration ( has to explicitly enable it with
 "skip_rbl_checks        0" (the default is set to 1).

> OK I know how run a test email through SA:
> spamassassin -tx < test.eml
> How do I do it with Mailscanner?

The easiest way is to send a message from outside.  MS works with the mail
queues so any manual test would have to add the qf/df files directly to which doesn't look easy to me.
René Berber

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