Heads-up on Sanesecurity ClamAV signatures

Ugo Bellavance ugob at camo-route.com
Wed Nov 8 16:42:05 GMT 2006


	I just fixed a problem related to the sanesecurity ClamAV signatures. 
MailScanner kept on restarting, but I didn't realize it until I saw 
logwatch reports stating that MailScanner scanned 4 times more messages 
than it was logging to the MailWatch DB.

	I deleted the SaneSecurity ClamAV signatures and the messages that kept 
making MailScanner barf went through w/o problem.

Unfortunately, I didn't save the problematic queue files, so I can't 
send them to SaneSecurity. Therefore, it may help people to know that I 
had problems with it, but, even more important, think about saving the 
files and sending them to prevent that.



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