ClamAV update

Dominique Marant Dominique.Marant at
Tue Nov 7 15:07:07 GMT 2006

I installed install-Clam-0.88.6-SA-3.1.7

In virus.scanners.conf :
clamav        /usr/lib/MailScanner/clamav-wrapper    /usr/local
clamavmodule    /bin/false                /tmp

In MailScanner.conf :
Virus Scanners =  clamavmodule
Monitors for ClamAV Updates = /usr/local/share/clamav/*.cvd

It seems that clamav is not automaticaly updated because I don't see any 
change in /usr/local/share/clamav/ and I don't see clamav in 
update.virus.scanners lines in the log.

How to configure MailScanner to update ClamAV every day ?
Could you say me if I have to perform a freshclam by the crontab ?
In the MailScanner log, how to see the version of ClamAv using by 
MailScanner ?
In the MailScanner log, how to see the version of Spamassassin using by 
MailScanner ?
In the MailScanner log, how to see if ClamAV version is OUTDATED  ?

Thanks in advance


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