Commercial Content Filtering Products

Randal, Phil prandal at
Tue Nov 7 00:33:52 GMT 2006

I saw on another mailing list today someone boasting what a good job
their Barracuda was doing - getting 87% of their incoming spam.

I can probably get 87% by the use of sendmail's GreetPause, the RBL at MTA level, and milter-greylist 3.0rc greylisting
a handful of RBLS, without even getting anywhere near spamassassin.

MailScanner gets over 99% of all incoming spam here.



-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner-bounces at
[mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Derek
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 10:11 PM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: OT: Commercial Content Filtering Products

I'm trying to get an idea of the cost on commercial products that will 
basically do what MailScanner is doing for free.  The reason is because 
some vp's would like to know the cost of the commercial products.  
Ultimately I think MailScanner does a great job with the proper configs 
and I would be willing to bet that it does a lot better job than a lot 
of the commercial products you have to pay for.  Does anyone out there 
have any product names and annual costs they can provide?  I've got 
roughly 3,000 mail users and we are getting about 100,000 emails per

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