MS - MailWatch Question...

Scott Silva ssilva at
Sun Nov 5 05:14:04 GMT 2006

ajos1 at spake the following on 11/4/2006 4:53 PM:
> -
> I am installing the MailWatch web package... and I have a question...
> ----------
> In /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf it has the line:
>     Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = no
> ----------
> ----------
> In "" it says i need:
>     Quarantine Whole Message As Queue Files = no
> ----------
> Which one is right...  "Messages" or "Message" ?
Don't change the option names in the conf file. You just need to change the
"yes"'s to "no"s and vice versa. If it says messages in the conf file, assume
that the Mailwatch docs have a typo.


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