Another call for improvements

Dave Strydom strydom.dave at
Wed May 31 19:27:17 IST 2006

On 5/30/06, Julian Field <MailScanner at> wrote:
> Any of you got any features which you really need?
> I don't guarantee to implement them, or even consider them :-)

MailScanner to have the ability to take advantage of the Spamassassin
Spamcop Plugin.

What I am looking for is a feature inside MailScanner where you can
specify a threshold figure (like 25 for example). Then any messages
which has a score higher than this threshold, is automatically
reported to spamcop using the spamassassin spamcop plugin.

This would be very useful for those of us who use RBL's or use
greylisting with RBL's.

Have something in the MailScanner.conf like:
SpamcopReport = yes
SpamcopScore = 25

Personally I think this would be an awesome feature, since it would
help list exploited servers a hell of a lot quicker than if we do it
manually the whole time.

Just a thought,

Dave Strydom

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