an RBL idea

Dave Strydom strydom.dave at
Mon May 22 11:18:49 IST 2006

I would like your thoughts on an idea I had.

Since Spamassassin has a Spamcop plugin, could we not build something
in MailScanner which uses this feature.

Lets say we give a SA Score of say 25
Any message which has a spam score over 25, is automatically reported
to Spamcop using the spamcop spamassassin plugin.

This would be awesome, since I use RBL's with my mailserver setup, if
I could catch the ones which aren't on rbl's yet, and have mailscanner
automatically report them, this would be a massive bonus.

I would say that there should be an option to either turn this on or
off, and where you can specify the threshold score you would like to

Dave Strydom

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