problem with vanishing </A> tags

Sam Luxford-Watts slwatts at
Fri May 12 16:26:02 IST 2006

Hi All,

I have just upgraded to MS 4.53.8-1 and we have a problem with </A> tags
vanishing from the body of some email messages. As it happened the only
source that we can reliably duplicate this error is one of our internet
servers that runs a script that sends an email with a link to some of our
staff (a kind of workflow thing). Mailscanner appears to be modifying the
link as follows:

<A href="http://myserver.mydomain.tld/dir1/script.ASP?ACCM=35550">CLICK HERE

<A href="http://myserver.mydomain.tld/dir1/script.ASP?ACCM=35550">

Any ideas as to why it behaves this way? Nothing is logged in the maillog.


Sam Luxford-Watts
IT Manager
DT: 020 75935173
DF: 020 75935099

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