Spamassassin exceeded time limit, not stopping spam

James Gray james at
Tue May 9 07:43:50 IST 2006

On Tue, 9 May 2006 01:44, Matt Kettler wrote:
> James Gray wrote:
> > On Mon, 8 May 2006 17:50, bsnottum at wrote:
> >> My problem is that spamassassin does not stop spam! In the mail-header
> >> it says: not spam - exceeded time limit. If I restart mailscanner it
> >> works for a while - a few minutes, but after this the error starts
> >> again.
> >
> > These errors are usually due to either an RBL timing out or a
> > spamassassin plugin (helper) not configured correctly, eg, pyzor,
> > razor2, dcc etc.
> Nearly every case of "SpamAssassin timed out and was killed" is caused by
> bayes expiry. This process can reasonably take as much as 5 minutes to
> complete, depending on your bayes DB and hardware. On really slow
> hardware with large bayes DBs it can take longer.

Thanks for the info about time outs.  I've wondered how the various bits add 
up under mailscanner.  However, I doubt Bjorn's problem is bayes related as 
the problem goes away when he restarts MailScanner then returns after a few 
minutes.  Does MS/SA resume an expire that was interrupted?  I didn't think 
that was the case (happy to be proven wrong too!).


Nada é tão difícil como não enganar-se.
                -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
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