Could not analyze message

Nick Smith nick.smith67 at
Mon May 8 15:51:57 IST 2006


MailScanner 4.53.8

I have an application that generates a MIME header like this:

Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; boundary=" 3:May:06:19:22:23_Boundary_"

As you can see, it appears to be generating the boundary value by
using a timestamp, and pads a single-digit day number with a leading

Unfortunately, this falls foul of the current test for a null MIME
boundary - the definition of which also seems to include leading
whitespace (line 1625 of

if ($boundary eq "" || $boundary eq "\"\"" || $boundary =~ /^\s/) {

I have briefly looked at RFC's 1049/2045/2046 but cannot find any
reference to leading whitespace in a quoted boundary field being
illegal and am therefore finding it difficult to convince the
developer that the app needs to be fixed

For the meantime, I have commented the offending test and it does seem
to have "fixed" the problem. Any other ideas about ways around this
without code hacking?



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