Mailscanner / Mailwatch Installation

Rob Freeman rob at
Sat Mar 25 04:21:08 GMT 2006

Install centos 4.3

yum update

configure sendmail

install mailscanner

use that great spamassassin / clamav install script from julian on the 
mailscanner website ( Is a great way to get around using CPAN)

Install DCC / pyzor / razor from the mailscanner wiki documentation

disable yum update from installing an older version of spamassassin by 
editing /etc/yum.conf to exclude=spamassassin

add your custom spamassasin rules aka like rules_da_jour script

add any other anti virus programs you own or free like bitdefender

install mailwatch

Just a brief overview off the top of my head on what I do to get it going. 

John Schmerold wrote:
> I do not want to turn this post into any kind of holy war within the 
> group, however I really need to get a couple Mailscanner boxes on-line 
> and I want to use Mailwatch to monitor & maintain the servers.
> Here's my problem: I have never managed to install Linux, Mailscanner 
> & Mailwatch without fighting odd dependency issues (I hate hate hate 
> CPAN -it never works, I always get odd dependency errors)
> I'm partial to Red Hat type installs because I've been tinkering with 
> various distros for 8 years, I kinda like SUSE because it seems like 
> the most professional distro (no holy wars please).
> However I really don't care what I use, I just want to burn a DVD or 
> CD, install Linux, do a YUM (or equivalent) update, install a couple 
> AV applications, install spamassassin,  install mailscanner using 
>, install mailwatch using instructions at: 
> Based on the mailwatch web-site, I suspect I should use Centos 3.6 
> Server distribution, anyone find that something else works flawless 
> &/or better?

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