I need help. I'm out of time and out of patients

Wess Bechard mailscanner at eliquid.com
Wed Mar 1 19:20:27 GMT 2006

Funny, these little quips.  I am getting married on Tiesday :)

Scott Silva wrote:
> Julian Field spake the following on 3/1/2006 10:30 AM:
>> Scott Silva wrote:
>>>> BB spake the following on 3/1/2006 8:14 AM:
>>>>> Thanks Julian
>>>>> As my new wife to be would say -
>>>>> Your not getting older, your getting longer.
>>>> Or as my current wife says;
>>>> "Shut up and roll over, you're snoring!"
>>>> See what you have to look forward to ;-)
>> Fortunately I'm not married, so don't suffer that problem :-)
> "Marriage is an institution. So is a prison!"
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