Users of RBL's

Chris Hammond chris at
Mon Jun 26 22:03:01 IST 2006

>>> Matt Kettler <mkettler at> 06/26/06 4:54 PM >>> 
>Chris Hammond wrote:
>> I am running a caching bind server.  I found rbldnsd but everything I see points to using it
>>with local hard copies of the rbl itself that has to be rsync'd from the rbl provider. 

>Correct, that's because RBLDNSD is NOT intended to be used as a cache. It's
>intended to run rsynced zones.

>Continue using bind, or switch to a different TRUE DNS server.

>rbldnsd is a special- purpose application it should not be used as a cache. It's
>not designed to do that.

Understood.  What DNS server in most recommended?


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