Users of RBL's

Chris Hammond chris at
Mon Jun 26 21:46:45 IST 2006

I am running a caching bind server.  I found rbldnsd but everything I see points to using it
with local hard copies of the rbl itself that has to be rsync'd from the rbl provider.  I don't
understand it enough to be able to figure out if it can operate like bind in caching mode.
I am looking at different areas to try and determine what where my bottleneck is.

It does not appear to be memory, the machine has 1.5GB of that.  The processor is an Opteron
242 (1.6Ghz) and it doesn't seem to be the issue.  The system is running a caching bind server.
I also have razor2, pyzor, rules_du_jour (none of the BIG nasty ones).  I am having 30 message
batch times of 180-280 seconds.  This is a single server running everything including Mailwatch
and mysql database which I have used mysqlard to try and tune.  I turned on MCP over the weekend
and my batch times jumped to 680+ seconds.  Obviously that wasn't going to work.  But now, I
am looking at another possibility.  Drive subsystem.  The server is an HP Proliant DL145 with a
pair of 80GB IDE drives software mirrored.

The volume of messages being moved to the quarantince, db writes and such may just be too
much for it.  Is there a way to see within MailScanner a further breakdown of how long the process
takes?  The batch may be taking 200 seconds, but what is the breakdown of that 200 seconds? 
Spamassassin this long, clamav, this long, move to quarantine, logging to mysql.......


>>> Scott Silva <ssilva at> 06/26/06 2:55 PM >>> 
Chris Hammond spake the following on 6/26/2006 11:25 AM:
> I have been looking at caching RBL lookups.  I have found how to's on rsyncing a copy of the RBL to a local machine
> but I am wondering if it is possible to just cache the lookups and not have to rsync a copy to a local machine?
> Thanks
> Chris
Running a caching nameserver should do just that.


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