Mailscanner 4.54.6 on FreeBSd 6.1 not working

Koopmann, Jan-Peter Jan-Peter.Koopmann at
Mon Jun 12 11:19:07 IST 2006

On Sunday, June 11, 2006 3:02 PM Marc Dufresne wrote:

> If it was a fully functioning port than why wasn't Spamassassin
> installed. This was the exact error message I received after I ran 

There are fully functioning ports for ClamAV, Spamassassin and hopefully MailScanner as well. If you install MailScanner for the first time it will ask if you want to install SpamAssassin, ClamAV etc. with it. If you choose not to you will not be asked again (due to the port system) unless you delete a file in the ports-database. This is probably what happened to you. Even then you should be able to install the ports manually. Do _not_ use third party packages, it will definatly give you problems.

> It you don't want anyone to download a third party product, than the
> error output shouldn't instruct you to! 

What error output do you refer to? What error output told you to run install-Clam-SA? If there is such an output it comes from MailScanner directly and not from the port.

Do I understand it correctly: All your problems are solved now?

Kind regards,

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