Problem with viewmail.php viewing message

Phillip Udel Phil.Udel at
Fri Jul 28 16:59:07 IST 2006

HI All
I posted this question to Mailwatch group, but I think there is something
wrong with their server.  It has not Process a entry since the 24th.  So 
Maybe someone here can help

I am a new user of Mail Watch. I am running my First Quarantine Report.  I
click on the View option but it does not Display the message.  I Do Get a
MailWatch Page but it is blank under the Gray Options Bar. Do I need to set
up something for it to work?  The does not work in the
detail.php either.
I do get this error in the web log:  
[Fri Jul 28 10:27:22 2006] [notice] child pid 29514 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)

Any Ideas?   I checked the MailWatch Tips page and set it up just like it

RH 8.0
MS 4.54.6-1
SA 3.1.3
MailWatch 1.0.3
Sendmail 8.12

Phillip Udel
Senior Systems Administrator
Admin at
(800) 877-2536 Ext 212
Rules To Live By:
1) On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key.
2) There are absolutely no absolutes.
3) Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity 
4) Information is not Knowledge, Knowledge is not Wisdom, and Wisdom is not

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