Filetypes and filenames not being checked

Dhawal Doshy dhawal at
Fri Jul 21 20:38:20 IST 2006

DAve wrote:
> Dhawal Doshy wrote:
>> DAve wrote:
>>> DAve wrote:
>>>> Good morning,
>>>> I have just had a user bring to my attention that since I upgraded 
>>>> to 4.54.x we are no longer stopping filenames with double suffixes 
>>>> or banned suffixes.
>>>> I tried a test and sure enough two files went right through, 
>>>> test.svx.doc and test.scr. I double checked my conf files and 
>>>> everything looks good, mailscanner --lint shows no errors.
>>>> I haven't changed anything in the conf file except to add MailWatch. 
>>>> I went through the change log and docs and didn't see anything that 
>>>> I thought would affect me.
>>>> Has there been a change in how the filename.rules.conf files work?
>> Do you have 'Scan Messages = yes' & 'Dangerous Content Scanning = yes'?
>> See 
>> for an incomplete list of dependencies..
> Yes I do, but I'll go read that page anyway Never hurts to learn sumthin'

Just thought i'd warn you, the wiki entry is incomplete and unverified..

- dhawal

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