Help! [MailScanner] <defunct>

Mordur Ingolfsson ms at
Sat Jul 1 21:13:56 IST 2006

This is exactly the same thing I experienced, as described in a mail
from last night entitled "More observations on "Mailscanner stopped
delivering to outgoing queue". It manifested itself exactly like this.
Is this a known issue? What is this "the TNEF issue"?


Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
> Hi!
>> 'ps aux' shows this and mail doesn't flow:
>> ---
>> root      2989  0.0  0.3  9456 3364 ?        Ss   22:27   0:00 sendmail:
>> accepting connections
>> smmsp     2999  0.0  0.2  8196 2804 ?        Ss   22:27   0:00 sendmail:
>> Queue runner at 01:00:00 for /var/spool/clientmqueue
>> root      3171  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    22:30   0:00
>> [MailScanner]
>> <defunct>
>> root      3172  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    22:30   0:00
>> [MailScanner]
>> <defunct>
>> root      3173  0.2  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    22:30   0:00
>> [MailScanner]
>> <defunct>
>> ---
> Please upgrade to the last beta to be sure the TNEF issue isnt
> troubling you.
> Bye,
> Raymond.

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