Postfix message stuck in incoming queue WAS: Re: List Archive?

Matt Standish mstandish at
Tue Jan 31 21:01:05 GMT 2006

>Not at present (as far as I know)
>Are you having issues finding things?

A little bit.  I followed this guide to install mailscanner on Suse 10 with postfix.  I used the latest beta release and the SA/CLAMAV install from the download page.  

When I receive a message it just sits in the /var/spool/postfix/hold folder.  Looking at the mail logs I am not finding any clues.  Are there some debugging options I can enable?

I am only using postfix because it is what I know. Not sure what other info I can give you.

Michele Neylon:: wrote:
> Matt Standish wrote:
>> Is there a list archive online anywhere besides
>> ?  I am working a
>> postfix problem and I am sure it has been solved before.

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