[Evolution] Evolution + GPG + MailScanner = Bad Juju...

Michael H. Warfield mhw at WittsEnd.com
Thu Jan 26 22:24:37 GMT 2006

Hey Julian,

On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 22:21 +0000, Julian Field wrote:
> I have posted this problem to the maintainer of the MIME-tools module, 
> which MailScanner uses to manage the MIME attachments in messages. It 
> appears that it output \n instead or \r\n which it should, according to 
> RFC2822.

	It's worse than that...  It's outputing =0A\n for the quoted printable
instead of \r\n and REALLY hosing things up.  That's a serious problem.

> I will let you know what I hear from him. Hopefully he comes back with 
> something useful :-)

	Yeah...  I think that needs to be escalated, somehow.

Michael H. Warfield (AI4NB) | (770) 985-6132 |  mhw at WittsEnd.com
   /\/\|=mhw=|\/\/          | (678) 463-0932 |  http://www.wittsend.com/mhw/
   NIC whois: MHW9          | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471        | possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

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