MS 4.50: way cool...

Peter Russell pete at
Tue Jan 24 01:50:24 GMT 2006

How did you do this report?

Jeff A. Earickson wrote:
> Julian,
>    In my nightly report at 4 AM last night, the cache hit rate
> was 72%.  Wowee!
> With the HighRes timings, I use that information to compute how
> long batches take, and some statistics.  From yesterday:
> ===Mailscanner Summaries:
> Total messages scanned:        28180
> Total Message Batches:         20368
> Average Messages per Batch:    1.38
> Minimum Batch Time (sec):      2.57
> Maximum Batch Time (sec):      185.12
> Average Batch Time (sec):      8.45
> Total MBytes scanned:          1011.47
> Total virii detected:          31
> Total spams tagged:            4702
> Total spams delivered:         1679
> Total spams deleted:           3274
> The batch timing gives a good overall clue as to the speed/efficiency
> of one's system.  Thanks!
> Jeff Earickson
> Colby College

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