4.50.12 - please test

Michael H. Martel martelm at quark.vsc.edu
Mon Jan 23 13:25:05 GMT 2006

--On January 23, 2006 1:14:51 PM +0000 Steve Freegard <smf at f2s.com> wrote:

> This will work just fine provided that ClamAV is installed.  In the
> longer term I'm not sure what default is best for this - but I'll
> release a new version soon to address this.

I know.  I just wanted something so I had MailWatch back.  I don't think I 
could survive without it. :)

> I'm working on MailWatch 2.0 at the moment - and plan on removing the

Cool. Is there a list of features somewhere so we can see what you're 
planning ?

Thanks for your hard work!  (Yours too Julian!)



   Michael H. Martel              | Systems Administrator
   michael.martel at vsc.edu         | Vermont State Colleges
   http://www.vsc.edu/~michael    | PH:802-241-2544 FX:802-241-3363

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