Bug with mailwatch or mailscanner?

Fajar fajarep at simplimobile.com
Fri Jan 20 06:49:16 GMT 2006

Dear All,

I'm using mailwatch to watch my mailscanner activities. But I found a little bug 
doesn't know it's the problem with my mailscanner or my mailwatch.

I'm enable blacklist function, so every mail that blacklisted using mailwatch 
will get dropped.

Situation :
No blacklist in mysql database, restart mailscanner, adding some blacklists,
yep, it's working.Nothing wrong.

Next restart my mailscanner, i still have my blacklisted emails, yep, it's
working. But then I'm deleting my blacklist, yep, my mysql blacklist table is
clear, but mailscanner still mark the email that comes from that user as
blacklisted. Here is the log after I clear my blacklist.

Jan 20 13:38:41 alpha MailScanner[16730]: Starting up SQL Blacklist
Jan 20 13:38:41 alpha MailScanner[16730]: Read 0 blacklist entries
Jan 20 13:38:41 alpha MailScanner[16730]: Spam Checks: Found 1 spam messages

And those spam message is marked as blacklist.

But if I restart my mailscanner again, those emails won't be marked as
blacklisted email.

Someone know what is the problem?

I'm using the latest MailScanner, with Mysql 4, latest MailWatch, Ubuntu, Postfix, Policyd.

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