Release 4.50.9 : Re: Worm.VB-8 not detected by filename or filetype

Dhawal Doshy dhawal at
Wed Jan 18 15:10:45 GMT 2006

Julian Field wrote:
> I have just released 4.50.9 which will decode the UU-encoded file  
> attached to these messages, so that the virus scanners should all  
> catch it, filename traps will work on the .scr file inside the .bhx  
> file, filetype traps will work on it too.

Just successfully upgraded a couple of production servers.. thankfully 
your beta standards are quite high (and a bit of testing on the previous 
betas also helped)

A small error..
Attempting to build and install perl-MailTools-1.50-1
Missing file perl-MailTools-1.50-1.src.rpm. Are you in the right directory?

Also this was quite a surprise..
I have to force installation of DBI. Sorry.

thanks for the amazing work..
- dhawal

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