Beta 4.50.4 released -- faster than 4.49

Rick Cooper rcooper at DWFORD.COM
Thu Jan 5 14:21:07 GMT 2006

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK]On
> Behalf Of Rick Cooper
> Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:11 AM
> Subject: Re: Beta 4.50.4 released -- faster than 4.49
> I would think if caching is going to be implemented there needs to be a
> command line, or separate program, that will allow the admin to flush the
> cache at will. For this very reason. Assuming (I haven't looked at the new
> releases) that the spam, virus, etc caches are in different
> tables, I would
> think a way to flush one, or all should be implemented, for the
> very reasons
> described above. Not to mention, for instance, suppose a message
> is flagged
> as spam and a user requests the sender be whitelisted? Again not having
> looked at the code, what happens if the sender resends the exact same
> message expecting it to come through again *to that user*? Ok, I
> just looked

I hate replying to myself but...

Right after I hit the send button I wonder if MS was logging the MD5
information? If it is I would think it would be trivial for the MailWatch
author(s) to add it to their database information and allow the MailWatch
users to remove the information via MailWatch... just a thought


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