No subject

Thu Jan 12 21:14:02 GMT 2006

But that seems to be wrong.
When setting confQUEUE_LA to 0, 
sendmail never sends mails from its outgoing queue.

After changing the value back to 8, my problem disappeared.

We are scanning incoming and outgoing mails.
Customers who are using some scripts to send mail
complained, when our MailScanner machine refused to accept mail
when it was under high load.

Viele Grüße

-- Heinz

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Knutzen, Heinz (DZ-SH) 
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 6:11 PM
> Subject: Some mails in outgoing queue don't get processed
> Hi,
> since yesterday I have trouble with my sendmail/mailscanner setup:
> Some mails remain in /var/spool/mqueue and don't get processed.
> There are thousands of mails which get processed ok,
> but I have about 70 mails with dates from yesterday to now
> which stay in /var/spool/mqueue all the time.
> When doing 'mailq', all 70 mails are shown.
> But if I do a 'sendmail -v -q', only 1 or two recent mails 
> are processed.
> All of these qfiles have lines like
> qfh0N1Ohvm007970:MDeferred: Connection refused by []
> qfh0N6Okvm012640:MDeferred: Connection timed out with []
> but currently there are now connection problems.
> Restarting sendmail and removing /var/spool/mqueue/.hoststat/ 
> doesn't help either.
> Any ideas, how to get them delivered?
> Version info:
> mailscanner-4.05-3
> sendmail-8.12.2-88
> Viele Grüße
> -- Heinz Knutzen
> Datenzentrale Schleswig-Holstein
> Altenholzer Str. 10-14, 24161 Altenholz, Germany
> mailto:heinz.knutzen at
> Tel: +49.431.3295.6581 Fax: +49.431.3295.410 

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