OT: building a new MS machine and stuck at the firewall

Dennis Willson taz at taz-mania.com
Tue Feb 28 19:23:01 GMT 2006

My comment about being new to managing Linux was really more targeted to 
the original poster who said:

"Well I thought that I was not a newbie, but I am already stuck and
having not did anything but install CentOS 4.2.

I opted to enable the firewall during the setup, and now I do not even
know how to turn it off let alone configure the iptables, as it seems
that I need to do.  I searched and searched and I really just want to
turn it off because it is not directly on the net.

Any simple command ex: service firewall stop chkconfig firewall or
something to turn it off?"

It wasn't really meant to be directed at you... Sorry

Julian Field wrote:

>On 27 Feb 2006, at 22:50, Dennis Willson wrote:
>>If you're new to managing Linux,
>Yeah, a bit, only been doing it since we first opened our public 24x7  
>Linux lab back in 1993.
>Thanks for the thought though ;->
>>Webmin can make life a lot easier.  You can also sometimes learn a  
>>few things by looking at the config files before and after you do  
>>something in Webmin to understand what the configs are really doing.
>>Julian Field wrote:
>>>Hash: SHA1
>>>Joshua Hirsh wrote:
>>>>>Any simple command ex: service firewall stop chkconfig firewall or
>>>>>something to turn it off?
>>>>Hi Billy,
>>>>You have a few options:
>>>>1) type 'setup' as root and disable the firewall from there
>>>>2) type 'service iptables stop', and 'chkconfig iptables  
>>>>off' (this disabled the firewall startup script)
>>>>3) for a temporary removal until next reboot, type 'iptables - 
>>>>F' (this flushes out the iptables rules)
>>>Once you've got iptables in, how do you configure it?
>>>Presumably there are some reasonable firewall configuration tools  
>>>included with RHEL/CentOS?
>>>I've always just done it the hard way, any time I've needed it  
>>>(which is rarely, we have FW-1 connected to an active IDS), but  
>>>there must be an easy way.
>>>- -- Julian Field
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>>Dennis Willson
>>mailto:taz at taz-mania.com
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>- -- 
>Julian Field
>Buy the MailScanner book at www.MailScanner.info/store
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Dennis Willson
mailto:taz at taz-mania.com

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