Steve Campbell campbell at cnpapers.com
Fri Feb 17 21:40:17 GMT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "hermit921" <hermit921 at yahoo.com>
To: "MailScanner discussion" <mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info>
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: OT: IMAP and POP3

>>On 2/17/06 1:06 PM, "Rodney Green" <rgreen at trayerproducts.com> wrote:
>>Will IMAP and POP3 operate properly when installed side-by-side on the
>>same server?
> I have seen a few cases lately where a user does IMAP and POP intermixed, 
> but not simultaneously.  A sad result is that the mail file (mbox format) 
> can get corrupted and neither access protocol works.
> hermit921
> -- 

I have never had any luck with shared IMAP accounts. Either someone deletes 
something at the same time someone else deletes another email, corrupting 
something, or no one ever cleans out the mailbox. Time limits on the mailbox 
don't seem to work either.

Without very firm controls over the individual email accounts, it just 
becomes a nightmare.

If anyone can suggest a solution, I'm ready to listen.


Steve Campbell
campbell at cnpapers.com
Charleston Newspapers

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