My server is blacklisted by SpamCop again!

Tim Sailer sailer at
Tue Feb 14 21:44:09 GMT 2006

On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:34:56PM -0500, Denis Beauchemin wrote:
> Hello all,
> What do you do when one of your servers gets listed by SC because it 
> sent an email to one of their spam traps?  It happened to one of my 
> servers last Friday and it happened again with a different server today!
> What's most frustrating is the fact that they don't give me any 
> information I could use to pinpoint the PC that sent this through my 
> server :-( !  And my servers NEVER send out SPAM because I reject it 
> (only internal servers do this, don't flame me ;-) )

I've seen this happen when they forge a return path to the spamtrap,
and send email that would bounce. Right to the spam trap, and you're 
toast for 30+ days


Tim Sailer <sailer at> 
Information and Special Technologies Program
Northeast Regional Counterintelligence Office
Brookhaven National Laboratory  (631) 344-3001

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