OT: Email Signature Spam

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Thu Feb 9 19:18:25 GMT 2006

Jeff Graves spake the following on 2/9/2006 7:18 AM:
> One of the sales guys wants to add advertising information to the bottom of
> every email sent out. I know that this is spam and is no good, but does
> anyone have a website detailing why this is no good? My google searches keep
> bringing up why spam is no good and what to include in your signature but I
> couldn't find any guidelines for this type of spam.
Beat him with a clue-by-4 and be done with it!

Does he have the clout to make this a company-wide decision?
If not, he can put it in his own signature, and when your corporate ip gets on
spam lists, HE can explain to the PHB's why client's can no longer get company
mail. I know I have a small advert in my signature, but Julian probably
doesn't mind!


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