Update problems with SQLBlackWhiteList.pm and MS

Mike Jakubik mikej at rogers.com
Tue Feb 7 22:31:05 GMT 2006


I am trying to use MailWatch's SQLBlackWhiteList.pm file for my own use. 
This file is based on the example found in CustomConfig.pm. The problem 
i am having is that while adding new entries in to the sql database 
works fine, however when removing them, MS does not seem to see the 
change until it is restarted. I have taken off the refresh timer found 
in SQLBlackWhiteList.pm for debugging purposes, and the mail logs verify 
that the file is reading in the correct amount of entries, however MS is 
not seeing them until it is restarted. I have looked over the 
SQLBlackWhiteList.pm script and i cant see a problem in it, it seems to 
be doing its job, and the logs verify this. Can anyone shed some light?


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