Attachment Warnings - End of Line Behavior Changed (CR, LF)

Greg Matthews gmatt at
Thu Feb 2 15:28:58 GMT 2006

On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 20:58 -0500, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> 	Turns out it's far worse than we imagined.  ...<SNIP>...  Work in progress...
> 	ITMT...  Turn off "Sign Clean Messages".

yeegads! theres no way I can turn this option off now that it is
implemented. I was hoping to upgrade MS from 4.45.4 to 4.50.x pretty
soon, looks like this will have to be on hold for a while.

Will the fix be announced here or will I have to monitor a perl mailing
list somewhere?


> 	Mike
Greg Matthews           01491 692445
Head of UNIX/Linux, iTSS Wallingford

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