Downloading the latest update :-)

Julian Field MailScanner at
Wed Feb 1 21:33:48 GMT 2006

Lance Haig wrote:
> Is it easier to download the SA clam package from Julians site to update
>  clam or would it be better to just update clam from the clam site?
> I don't want to lose the clamavmodule part of the install as I have had
> problems installing it in the past.
> I have SA 3.1 and Clamav 87 on suse 9.3
I would do my package. It will upgrade Clam then rebuild Mail::ClamAV 
and link it against the Clam it just built.
More reliable in my view.

I don't like building perl modules that call C libraries without knowing 
I had the latest C library when it was linked together.

Julian Field
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