Problem with archive email (reposted in plain text)

Andrew Hodges ahodges at
Sun Dec 31 14:33:37 CET 2006


Reposted in plain text as Outlook added entries to my post which may
confuse others.....

Get this out the way first.....

My system is running on a non Sun OS RaQ550....

MailScanner version 4.56.8 - Compiled from source
ClamAV version 0.88.7 - Compiled from source.
SpamAssassin version 3.1.7 - Install via perl -MCPAN -e shell > install
O/S Strongbolt 1.4.0 (CentOS 4.4 and BlueQuartz) - Installed from

Other packages installed just in case there are any known issues

NuOnce RaQBackup - >From NuOnce Networks
NuOnce ModAuthExternal - From NuOnce Networks
Awstats - From WebMerch
Dincom sysgui - From Dincom
Dincom apcgui - From Dincom

I am fairly new to MailScanner and I have a confusing problem getting
the Archive Mail function to work as I would have expected....

I wish to archive all email to 2 email address's - bcc at domain1.test and
bcc at domain1.beta - this is to (domain1.test) test new rules and scores
and (domain1.beta) test new beta's of the various software - these 2
domains reside on different boxes...

I have tried all the settings I can think of (listed below) but it only
seems to archive clean messages to the email address's.  If I set
Archive Mail = /var/spool/MailScanner/archive in MailScanner.conf then
*ALL* email is archived to the folder.

This is where I am getting stuck, I can only think that MailScanner is
stopping delivery of this archive email, or that I have yet to find the
magic configuration option that makes all this work.

In my attempts to find the solution to this I have tried the
Please note that there are other options in some of the rules files that
have been omitted as I do not believe that they have an impact on the
archive function and the errors that I am experiencing.  It saves my
fingers and your eyes/brain power......

Archive Mail = 

I have set this to bcc at domain1.test in MailScanner.conf
I have set to a ruleset with just FromOrTo: default bcc at domain1.test
I have set to a ruleset with To: bcc at domain1.test
I have set to a ruleset with To: * bcc at domain1.test

Scan Messages = %rules-dir%/scan.messages.rules
scan.messages.rules contains

To: domain1.test no
FromOrTo: default yes

Spam Actions = %rules-dir%/spamactions.rules
spamactions.rules contains 

To: domain1.test deliver
To: store forward spam at

High Scoring Spam Actions = %rules-dir%/high.spamactions.rules
high.spamactions.rules contains 

To: domain1.test deliver
To: store delete

Non Spam Actions = %rules-dir%/non.spamactions.rules
non.spamactions.rules contains 

To: domain1.test deliver
To: store deliver header "X-Spam-Status: No"

I have also done the following just in case...

MailWatch SQLWhiteList

I have added an entry  From:  To: default   Allow

I have also edited the filename, filetype and dangerous content scanning

To include to bcc at domain1.test allow all

This information was found in a MailWatch article relating to the
release of messages from quarantine, as I use MailWatch I though that
this would be a good idea anyway, but found it whilst searching for a
solution to the archive issue.

So that my system knows where domain1.test is I have created
mailtertable entries for domain1.test smtp:[IPAddress} I have also
created a DNS zone for domain1.test and created A and MX records...

If I do a sendmail bcc at domain1.test from the bash prompt and the enter
some data followed by <cr> . <cr> then the email is received by the
domain1.test box and processed, so I know my live box is talking to my
test box.

Searching google has turned up a few clues but nothing that has
corrected the issue, I have also searched the mailing lists and just
about everyone is Archiving email to folders or mailbox files, no one is
archiving to email - should I take a big hint from this???

As stated at the beginning, the archive to email does work, only with
clean messages, and it is putting the headers in for MailScanner,
something that the book states it should not do.

Thanks in advance

Andy Hodges

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